CMD Message

The two most important life-goals I would like every youth to have: one - increase the amount of time that you have at your disposal and two - increase what you can achieve in the time available.

This one is laden with nuggets of powerful wisdom.

We can't form winning habits, we can’t stick to the process as explained before, and we can’t achieve our dreams unless we manage our time judiciously and efficiently.

When I saw the quote above, words like "prioritisation" and "saying No to things and people" came to my mind.

You got to prioritise the most value-added tasks of your life so that you can get the most out of your time vis-à-vis your goals.

Make plans and daily habits around the prioritised tasks and goals.

Execute those plans ruthlessly. Be prepared to spend all of your will power on this.

Say NO. If you can’t say NO to people, your prioritisation will all get messed up, you will not have enough time to stick to your plans, you will end up doing work that does not add value to your life and everything related will shake and break.

-Manish Panday
-Chairman and Managing Director
-Welcome India Group